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Health & Safety


Precious Gems Montessori maintains the health and safety of our community as a top priority. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will follow and exceed the hygiene guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and our federal, state, and local authorities.  We request full cooperation of parents and staff to adhere to these guidelines to ensure health and safety for all.


Entrance Protocol
  • No parents, guardians or visitors will be allowed inside the facility.

  • Any child or staff who is sick should stay home for everyone's safety. 

  • If you have traveled to a high-risk area, please inform the school and stay home for 14 days and follow all CDC travel guidelines.

  • If child or staff show signs of illness, he/she will be asked to stay home until he/she has been symptom-free without medication for at least 48 hours.

  • Hand sanitizing stations are available for everyone entering the facility to sanitize their hands.

  • Screenings will take place of staff and child at the Health Check Station. Anyone showing signs of temperature or illness will not be permitted to enter.

Drop-off and Pick-up
  • Drop-off and pick-up times will be staggered by classroom so only one class is dropping off or picking up children at a time.

  • Parents will be required to wait outside to drop off and pick up their child(ren).  For drop-off, parents are required to wait outside the facility until the screening of their child(ren) is completed.

  • If your child becomes sick during the day they will be separated from all other children.  Parents will be expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.

Inside the Facility
  • Routine cleaning, disinfection, and sanitizing will be done throughout the day.

  • Hand-washing will be required of all staff members before entering a classroom.

  • Face coverings will be required for staff. Face coverings will be encouraged for all children age 2 and above.  

  • Changing of shoes will be required of all staff and children.

  • Cellphones will be wiped off upon entry to the building.

  • Children’s bedding and nap mats are stored in individual bags and laid out 6 ft. apart.

Class Session
  • Classes will include the same group each day, and the same teachers will remain with the same group each day. Staff and children will only use their assigned room for the day.

  • Class sizes will be adjusted to guidelines given to us by the CDC, state and local authorities.

  • Playground times will be staggered and allow for disinfection before another class may enter the playground. 

  • Gloves will be worn while handling food, changing diapers or during any contact with a bodily fluid.

  • Hand-washing will be required after working with a child and before working with the next child.

  • Field trips and special events will be canceled or postponed until further guidance from the state is provided.

Classroom Routine
  • Children will be escorted to the classroom by an employee who is part of the check-in process.

  • Staff will teach and re-enforce healthy hygiene practices to children to prevent the spread of COVID-19

  • Your child will go to the sink and wash their hands before beginning his/her day.

  • Each child will be assigned a spot on the line that will be their spot each day.

  • Every child will have their own work basket. This basket will have their own supplies (e.g. pencil, eraser).

  • Drop off and pickup times will be staggered.

  • Once in classrooms, the children will stay in the room for the day except to go outside to the playground.

  • The classroom will be sanitized while the children are on the playground and the playground will be sanitized in between each use.

  • Staff will ensure that children wash hands prior to and immediately after eating.

  • Hand-washing is required of staff prior to applying gloves to prepare food and after helping children to eat.

  • Children will sit 6 feet apart during group meals/snacks.  Families are required to provide their own food for lunchtime.  

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